Working django 1.3 update to 1.4

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Working django 1.3 update to 1.4

20 Jul 2012, 06:17

Hi, I've got a Windows Server 2008 R2 system that had a working django 1.3.1 via Helicon Zoo (thanks!), and in an effort to update to 1.4, I've broken it.

First, there are two entries in the Web Platform Installer: "Django 1.4" and "Django 1.4 (Python)", so which should I use?

Second, I've already tried to install the "Django 1.4" package, which says it's installed correctly, but the web site is now broken, and I'm having trouble getting information out of the logs.

If I run python, "import django" "print django.VERSION" shows that 1.4 is the installed version.

I've noticed that there is a file C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\zoo-python-modules-requirements-3.txt, which contains the line django-debug-toolbar-django13. Is this part of the problem? I've tried commenting out that line but that doesn't seem to help.

Should I have first removed django 1.3? How can I do that?

Any ideas or help greatly appreciated.

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Re: Working django 1.3 update to 1.4

20 Jul 2012, 06:40

Ok, it seems there were two issues compounding. After I replaced django-pyodbc with the version from that works with django 1.4, removing the django-debug-toolbar-django13 line does fix the web site.

In case it helps, I enabled detailed error messages for 500 errors to remote clients using this technique ( ... s-2008-r2/) which helped with debugging. I better go turn that back off again now.

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Re: Working django 1.3 update to 1.4

20 Jul 2012, 08:34


To start with, Django 1.4 - is a product from Helicon Zoo feed, and Django 1.4 (Python) - is from Microsoft's. It's recommended to use ours.
you should updante Django manually as in the following: pip install -U django==1.4

We'll the issue you've been experiencing is not Zoo's problem, it's an issue of moving the site to a newer version. The workaround you've implemented is good as long as it works.

Thank you for your letter, we will consider this in further development.


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Re: Working django 1.3 update to 1.4

21 Jul 2012, 07:51

Ok, sure. It might be helpful to make a note somewhere that you should update using pip rather than going back to the web platform installer. Would that have handled the django debug toolbar update as well? In my case we don't need that, so we're fine, but it would be cleaner to do the upgrade correctly.

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Re: Working django 1.3 update to 1.4

23 Jul 2012, 06:43

Thanks for this! We'll keep in mind your recommendations regarding WPI and we will consider adding django-debug-toolbar.


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