Rewrite auth header

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Rewrite auth header

26 Nov 2012, 05:41


sorry for the question, but actually it seems this could be a solution of my problem. I´m not a pro with web tech , but could manage to Intsall IIS 7.5 with redirect to Tomcat. I enabled windows integrated security for trusted sign on and finally it was working (third party legacy java app and no way to do anything in the app), with just a little Problem. The User Name seems to be upper case all the time and the app expect the username in lower case. Unfortunatly, the username is hashed, so again sorry for this may be dumb question, but is there any way to converte the hashed Value to a lower case hashed value ???

Thanks in advance

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Re: Rewrite auth header

27 Nov 2012, 11:31


- By "redirect to Tomcat" do you mean proxy to Tomcat?
- please show your .htaccess file
- is this The User Name send via http header? If yes, which one?

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Re: Rewrite auth header

27 Nov 2012, 22:02

Direct proxy to Tomcat, is that what you mean?

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