Reverse proxy of https traffic

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Reverse proxy of https traffic

18 Dec 2012, 06:49

Hi there,
we are running outside world server proxying all the traffic to the internal server. When using http all is good. When using https something goes wrong.
Is there any trick? The connection on the target server is dropped right after the initial TLS handshake. Both the server certificates - target and proxying IIS - are valid. I have been playing with Wireshark for days, however I'm not able to decipher the encrypted handshake message.

There are two scenarios (proxying server only accepts https request)
1) using RewriteProxy ^(.+)$ h_ttp://$1 [NC,CR][/color] - data is passed as http request to internal server - OK
2) using RewriteProxy ^(.+)$ h_ttps://$1 [NC,CR][/color] - data is passed as https request to internal server - FAIL

Any idea?

# Helicon ISAPI_Rewrite configuration file
# Version

# Registration info
RegistrationName= ANS CR
RegistrationCode= ****

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteProxy ^(.+)$$1 [NC,CR]

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Re: Reverse proxy of https traffic

18 Dec 2012, 11:04


Generally, what is needed is on the server with ISAPI_Rewrite installed open Internet Explorer, go to back-end and confirm the certificate.
If it doesn't work, give the specific error you get.

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