Reverse Proxy Testing

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Reverse Proxy Testing

20 Jul 2012, 17:49

ISAPI_Rewrite 3 Full version IIS 7.5.

In my httpd.conf, I have a very simple test line:

RewriteProxy /test123$ [L]

In theory, should serve Google content based on a previous poster using that as a test case. I have tried that and a number of different syntax options based on numerous forum posts, but they all result in a blank page (Chrome) or webpage not found (IE) for the client.

Here is the Rewrite.log snippet:

(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /test
(1) Htaccess process request C:\ISAPI_Rewrite3\httpd.conf
(3) applying pattern '/test$' to uri '/test'
(2) forcing proxy-throughput with
(1) go-ahead with proxy request [OK]
(1) Rewrite URL to >> /testx.rwhlp?p=0
(2) rewrite '/test' -> '/testx.rwhlp?p=0'
(2) internal redirect with /testx.rwhlp?p=0 [INTERNAL REDIRECT][/code]

No errors appear in error.log.

Is that syntax correct? Do I need to load the ISAPI_RewriteProxy_x64.dll filter manually or is the ISAPI_Rewrite.dll sufficient? Standard redirects are working without issue in that same config file.

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Re: Reverse Proxy Testing

23 Jul 2012, 06:41


The syntax is right and the logs looks ok.
- Try checking IIS --> web-server --> ISAPI Restrictions ISAPI_Rewrite is supposed to have ALLOWED.
- Try checking IIS --> your site --> Handler Mappings And see if the ISAPI_rewrite is there. If not, add it.


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Re: Reverse Proxy Testing

25 Jul 2012, 16:29

Thank you - it turns out I did not have the ISAPI Filter for ISAPI_RewriteProxy_x64.dll loaded (this was a manual install). Unfortunately when I added it, I received an error and had to remove it before I could go further:

The HTTP Filter DLL C:\ISAPI_Rewrite3\ISAPI_RewriteProxy_x64.dll failed to load. The data is the error.

The DLL doesn't appear to be corrupt - file signature matches what we have on our other servers.

I upgrade to the latest version (manual install), but receive the same error.

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Re: Reverse Proxy Testing

26 Jul 2012, 05:51

"The data is the error." - this means there's not enough permissions to read the .dll file. Please, check permissions


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Re: Reverse Proxy Testing

26 Jul 2012, 12:26

I checked the permissions, even temporarily allowing "Everyone" plus "Network Service" (app pool identity) modify access, but I do not believe that is the case as ISAPI_Rewrite functions without issue, just not the proxy. Scripting is allowed on this site.

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Re: Reverse Proxy Testing

27 Jul 2012, 06:02

that error message indicates that:

1) no permissions OR
2) proxy .dll file is actually corrupted OR
3) there're problems with dependencies in the library(to check that you may install and load proxy .dll file there. There must be no red entries).

The easiest way on your path to resolve this issue - try to re-install ISAPI_Rewrite.


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Re: Reverse Proxy Testing

27 Jul 2012, 12:38

I reinstalled, this time using the installer and not the manual process. I got back to the part where I need to manually add the ISAPI filter for ISAPI_RewriteProxy_x64.dll and have run into the same issue. Dependency Walker tells me it can't find IEShims.dll. That's simply because, I expect, it's not in the path. If I copy that DLL to the Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3 folder, it stops complaining about that, and generates warnings about IEFRAME.DLL > SHLWAPI.DLL missing functions.

However, this blog post: ... ing-sharps lists the same functions i'm seeing warnings for. In his case, it is an expected warning. I'm not sure if that's the case here. I have found 1 or 2 other blog posts that note the same functions are often flagged by Dependency Walker.

I do appreciate all the time you've put in helping me nail down this problem. Given the wall we've run into, we may opt for URL Rewrite + ARR for our proxying going forward, but maintain ISAPI_Rewrite for simple rewrites.

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Re: Reverse Proxy Testing

30 Jul 2012, 06:36

Please, send a request using our helpdesk and our specialists will connect remotely and fix the issue.


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