Redirecting the url using query string parameters

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Redirecting the url using query string parameters

21 Aug 2012, 08:55


Please help me in redirecting the following url{66740FEF-A424-4854-8239-38DD3E43FA16}

The above url contains query string and it is using https. It should redirect to different folder using https and should carry the query string parameter.


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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

21 Aug 2012, 09:38

Hello, Rakesh

Please try it like this:

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} .*on.* [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=(\{.*\})$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^sales/abc/opps/edit\.aspx$ https\:// [NC,R=301,L]

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

22 Aug 2012, 06:09

Hello Anton,

Thanks for the solution. I have one more question.

I wrote a rule as given below and it is working fine if there is a request

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} .*on.* [NC]
RewriteRule ^sales/abc/opps/edit\.aspx$ testsales/testopps/main.aspx?oppid= [NC,R,L]

but if there is a request which contains query string (as shown below) then the above rule gets passed which should not.

My request url may or may not contain query string. Basically I am looking for the below scenarios
for example:
1) should redirect to
to ... id=3&cat=4
3) this should not redirect to any thing. it should behave as it is.

Please help...

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

22 Aug 2012, 07:34

Ok, please try to fix it like this:

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} .*on.* [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(?:prm=(\d+&cat=\d+))?$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^sales/abc/opps/edit\.aspx$ [NC,R=301,L]

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

22 Aug 2012, 13:41

Could you please explain me the redirect rule that you provided.

^(?:prm=(\d+&cat=\d+))?$ --> How does this work?
(?%1%1) --> How does this work.

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

23 Aug 2012, 03:58

^(?:prm=(\d+&cat=\d+))?$ --> the outer parentheses with the question mark make the query string optional. The inner parentheses match the necessary part of the query string if it's there.
(?%1%1) --> sort of IF construction: IF %1 exists (meaning, if there's a query string), then add what was matched here (\d+&cat=\d+) to the URL.

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

28 Aug 2012, 06:56

Thanks for the information. It was really helpfull.

I am facing another problem.
In the requested url, query string parameter FromId's value is %7b998 which is converting to %257b998. I want it to be the same as in the requested url. I tried putting 'O' in the end of the rule but didn't work.

Can you please help me how to get it?

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} .*on.* [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^FromType=(.*)&FromId=(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^sales/abc/opps/edit\.aspx$ testsales/testopps/main.aspx?oppid=&FromType=%1&FromId=%2 [NC,R=301,L]

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

28 Aug 2012, 07:34

Please try to use NE flag after the rule.

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

28 Aug 2012, 07:51

No, it didn't work.

RewriteRule ^sales/abc/opps/edit\.aspx$ testsales/testopps/main.aspx?oppid=&FromType=%1&FromId=%2 [NC,R=301,L,NE]

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

28 Aug 2012, 08:02

Sorry..It worked..
Thanks a lot.

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Re: Redirecting the url using query string parameters

15 Nov 2012, 22:23

I have tried this string and it worked. Thanks.

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