Proxy for web services, problem with SOAP errors

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Proxy for web services, problem with SOAP errors

17 Jan 2013, 09:55


We're using ISAPI_Rewrite3 on a IIS 7.5 web server as a proxy for some SOAP web services deployed on a WebLogic server behind a firewall. This makes some of the web services accessible from the internet for given IP addresses.

This works fine for "normal requests", the soap envelopes are passed to and from the web service. But if the request results in the web service throwing an SOAP error, the actual soap error isn't passed through ISAPI_Rewrite back to the client. Instead the IIS 500 page content is sent back to the client.

When we used ISAPI_Rewrite on the previous IIS 6 server the actual soap error was correctly proxied back to the client.

Does anyone know why this doesn't work in IIS 7.5? We have used the same config as we used on the IIS 6 box.

Eivind Eriksen

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Re: Proxy for web services, problem with SOAP errors

21 Jan 2013, 08:24


It's unlikely ISAPI_Rewrite is the culprit.
Please enable ErrorPages\Edit Feature...\ * Detailed Error in IIS so that IIS won't replace the error with its 500 error.
And show us the wording of the error.

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