Problem with sub directories

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Problem with sub directories

16 Jan 2013, 18:03


I've got the latest release of ISAPI_Rewrite 3.0 running on Windows Server 2008 R2, but I'm having some problems.

The .htaccess file for one of the sub directories doesn't seem to be being read at all;

.htaccess in the site root directory;
AllowOverride all

.htaccess in the /sub directory;
RewriteEngine on
AllowOverride All

RewriteRule ^public public.php [L]
RewriteRule ^js.php js.php [L]
RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|swf|csv|html)$ index.php

.htaccess in the /sub/sub directory;
RewriteEngine off

But it isn't turning off rewriting in the /sub/sub directory like it should be.

When I browse to the page the rewriting is still in effect and in the logs I see;

In Rewrite log; Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /sub/sub/ Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (1) Htaccess process request c:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\\sub\.htaccess Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (3) applying pattern '^public' to uri 'sub/' Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (3) applying pattern '^js.php' to uri 'sub/' Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (3) applying pattern '\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|swf|csv|html)$' to uri 'sub/' Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (1) Rewrite URL to >> /sub/index.php Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (2) rewrite 'sub/' -> '/sub/index.php' Wed, 16-Jan-2013 14:58:09 GMT [][rid#4792416/initial] (2) internal redirect with /sub/index.php [INTERNAL REDIRECT]

In Error log;
[1/16/2013 14:58:09] C:\Program Files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3\httpd.conf - Loaded successfully
[1/16/2013 14:58:09] Begin watch directory changes failed (c:\program files\helicon\isapi_rewrite3\): Insufficient permissions. (Access is denied.)
[1/16/2013 14:58:09] C:\Program Files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3\httpd.conf - Loaded successfully
[1/16/2013 14:58:09] Begin watch directory changes failed (c:\program files\helicon\isapi_rewrite3\): Insufficient permissions. (Access is denied.)

Can anyone see why the rewriting is still on for the /sub/sub directory, and what the error messages mean?

Many thanks!


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Re: Problem with sub directories

17 Jan 2013, 01:42


The error.log shows that there's not enough permissions to read the httpd.conf. Please, follow this part of documentation.
It can happen that .htaccess from /sub/sub has the same issue. Does error.log have any other entries regarding .htaccess files?


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Re: Problem with sub directories

17 Jan 2013, 09:25

Thanks Andrew.

That seems to have fixed the permissions error as I'm not seeing any new entries in the error log now, but the main issue is still unresolved.

The rules in the /sub/sub folder are still being ignored, and rewriting is still happening for ?

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Re: Problem with sub directories

17 Jan 2013, 21:35


Lets try to follow this part of documentation and use the following in httpd.conf:

Code: Select all
<Directory C:/inetpub/www/>
   AllowOverride None


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Re: Problem with sub directories

18 Jan 2013, 08:19

Didn't make any difference. :-(

I paid $150 for your 'Premium Support' yesterday because I needed this sorted ASAP. Your ad promises 'Live support chat' and 'Installation .... remotely' but so far all I've been able to do is log a support ticket and been given one suggestion that didn't work. It's now 3 hours into your support day and I'm still waiting for my ticket to be updated... What a joke!!!

Can someone please contact me ASAP to give me the live support that I paid for!?

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Re: Problem with sub directories

18 Jan 2013, 09:56


Sorry. The premium ticket you created is served by a different person and this forum topic(or any other) can not be premium. All forum topics are equal.
All we can count on here is you understanding, that if the support time takes so long(3 hours), this means we ourselves experience heavy workload and quite a few customer's deadlines.

All of the above were working suggestions. We will assign an online meeting as none of the above worked.


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