Loosing POST data with ISAPIRewrite

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Re: Loosing POST data with ISAPIRewrite

12 Dec 2012, 06:58

I am a co-worker of "lko". I just continued working on resolving the issue that lko started.

I prepared three files for you as a reference to the problem we are talking about. I have local development machine and tried to simulate the problem.

Suppose we have IIS 7.5, Windows Server 2008 R2, Helicon 3 Lite and a SharePoint Server 2010 on a custom local development machine using custom dev local domain http://www.k2.dev.

I created a simple rewrite rule:
Code: Select all
^/test/?$ /pages/test.aspx [NC, L]

We have a custom form on that page and anonymous access allowed. When I try to send the form as anonymous, POST does not work. When I try it as logged in user, it works.

I created a trace files for you. Maybe, it could help you to undestand our issue. Because we are stuck

Files are located on free share server to download:
Code: Select all

0006-xml as anonymous (does not work)
00021-xml as regular user (works)

xsl file is for opening XML in web browser and to read the traces easily.

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Re: Loosing POST data with ISAPIRewrite

14 Dec 2012, 06:51


Thanks for the traces.
Our suggestion is that the authenticated user has permissions to Write posts into their destination, but when the user in not authenticated it doesn't have this permission. And although in both cases ISAPI_Rewrite works the same way and sends POST requests correctly, the data is not written in the second case.

Please try to use ProcessMonitor tool, set it up to monitor the POST destination folder and see what it will say.

Or you can try to grant Write permission to Everyone just to check if the problem will disappear or not.


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