Image redirect for mobile version

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Image redirect for mobile version

03 Oct 2012, 04:51

hi, i want redirect all request for the image in mysite, like this to , if the request come form a mobile device.

I have inserted an .htaccess file in /public/ path with this code:

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} "text\/vnd\.wap\.wml|application\/vnd\.wap\.xhtml\+xml" [NC]
RewriteRule ^public/normal/(.*)$ public/mobile/$1 [R=301,L]

but it not work.

Any ideas?


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Re: Image redirect for mobile version

03 Oct 2012, 23:30


Have you tried using User-Agent variable instead, as described in examples section?


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Re: Image redirect for mobile version

04 Oct 2012, 07:26

Thanks, i have found a tool online with the lists of user-agent for mobile. This is the link

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Re: Image redirect for mobile version

28 Nov 2012, 22:49

Does this tool really help? I don't know where to start.

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