IIS to Jboss connection

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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IIS to Jboss connection

25 Dec 2012, 08:58

Hello, i am a newby to this program so here´s my question.
we are running a jboss application on win2008x64 server on port 18080 "http://localhost:18080/Portal/" witch we want to access over the internet
i have installed the iis role en installed the isapi rewrite module, can someone direct me from here how to acomplish my goal?

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Re: IIS to Jboss connection

25 Dec 2012, 11:09

In case you want to create a proxy rule to access you app from a domain, try using:

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^www\.yourdomain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^myApp$ http://localhost:18080/Portal/ [NC,P]


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Re: IIS to Jboss connection

26 Dec 2012, 07:21

Thanx for your reply, but we do not use the www. we use http://name.domain.com

an can you please show me were to enter this code.


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Re: IIS to Jboss connection

28 Dec 2012, 05:43

Well, I guess you know how to changee "www" to "name"...
the easiest way to enter the rules is to use ISAPI_Rewrite Manager or you can use either of the 2 config files: httpd.conf in ISAPI_Rewrite installation folder OR .htaccess in the root of your web-site.


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