How to rewrite and retain URL params

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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How to rewrite and retain URL params

18 Jan 2013, 09:49


We have URLs of the form:


We want to rewrite these to a new folder (e.g. /new) but with the same filename, for example to:


and retain all the URL params passed (query string).

How can we just make the rewrite retain all of the URL parameters and just change the filename (the filename need to remain the same)

Tried lots of different approaches with QSA etc and nothing works so far :(

Help appreciated.


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Re: How to rewrite and retain URL params

18 Jan 2013, 22:35

Please, define "we want to rewrite". Do you want to have a 301-redirect? Or do you want to have a rewrite?
What do you want a customer to insert in the address bar? and where do you want him to be taken to?


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