HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

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HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

23 Aug 2012, 13:21

I wonder if you can help. I'm trying to run a ruby app on IIS7 using helicon zoo & FastCGI.

The basic app works fine (http://localhost/ZooRailsProject/)

I set up another app in drive D: (instead of c:\inetpub\wwwroot - I don't know if this makes any difference) At first ISS complained that it couldn't find c:\ruby\ruby.exe, so I copied the lib and bin folders from my railsinstall folder into c:\ruby. And that's where I am - getting error 500.0

I am able to run the application locally using WEBrick.

When I look at the zoo error file in the root of the app, I get something like this:

[23/08/2012 16:43:52] Status: 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
X-Request-Id: 63b9d888b3cf39764447c9f86a889cd0
X-Runtime: 0.733000
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 15:43:52 GMT
X-Rack-Cache: miss

[23/08/2012 16:43:52] FCGI_END_REQUEST

OS details
IIS 7.5
64 bit windows

I'd appreciate any help ...


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Re: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

23 Aug 2012, 14:44

Copying dll files will not work. You will need to use Web Platform Installer and use Helicon Zoo feed to install all dependencies from there. You can use Web PI to set-up Ruby project template onto IIS web site, this will also install all required dependencies.
If you have copied some Ruby files into c:\ruby manually, please delete it before running WebPI installations.

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Re: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

23 Aug 2012, 18:34

Thanks I've inched a little bit further. c:\ruby now contains a lot more files.

However, some of the gems are dated and I can't run rails.

Any attempt to update the gems returns the error like 'could not find active support 3.2.3 in any of the sources'

I suspect this is something to do with version conflicts. I'm on rails 3.2.3, but helicon has installed rails 3.2.8. My ruby is at version 1.9.3p125 and helicon's is at version 1.9.3p0

Is there anyway to specify a particular version of rails to install ? Or will I have to update my app ?


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Re: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

24 Aug 2012, 10:53

You can install any version of Rails manually after you have installed Ruby using Web Platform Installer. And you can install any gems under web site (including Rails) using bundle install command locally. We cannot warranty operation of the Ruby version you have installed manually as it was never tested with Zoo.

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Re: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

24 Aug 2012, 19:43

I understand.

I've managed to install all the gems, updated ruby, etc and am still getting the same error.

So I'll remove everything start again - and just write a simple 'hello world' program with access to a DB and see if it works.

By the way, I notice that I cannot set up a website in its own right. Fo instance, when I specify the site route as 'd:\www\site1' it creates 'd:\www\site1\site1' ... ie makes d:\www\site1 the root and creates a sub-folder (virtual directory) called site1

I'd be nice to be able to let people configure the IIS app themselves ... if possible.


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Re: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

25 Aug 2012, 03:36

On the page where you select application options, the first box - 'Web site', select 'New web site'. Then leave 'application name' box to be '/' and you will be creating application in the root of the web site.

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Re: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

28 Aug 2012, 08:18

I followed error logs and first of all found that there were problems with loading assets - which were all resolved.

But now I'm stuck with an error message 'Could not find a JavaScript runtime'

The code in the gem seems to be expecting a definition of this engine, in this case, JScript in ENV["EXECJS_RUNTIME"]. But this hash key is not available even though Windows Script Host is installed. I've also installed nodejs as per other people's code, but this seems to make me lose the detailed error logs.

Do other people have similar problems or is it just me ?

System details:
- Windows 2008 R2, 64 bit, IIS 7.5
- Rails 3.2.8
- Ruby 1.9.3p0

Thanks for any help ...

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Re: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

29 Aug 2012, 11:02

Have you tried to set EXECJS_RUNTIME variable in web.config?
Currently no other reports on such issue. We will investigate it further.

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