Excluding Directories from processing

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Excluding Directories from processing

08 Sep 2012, 20:05

I need to find a way to stop ISAPI Rewrite from processing certain directories (and its sub directories) on my website but work everywhere else.

For example don't process my site.com/admin or site.com/admin/folder etc etc


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Re: Excluding Directories from processing

08 Sep 2012, 20:16

found answer on another page...

RewriteRule ^admin/(.*)$ /admin/$1 [NC,L]

This will pass any requests for admin directly through to the admin folder. You would place this before your rewrite rules

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Re: Excluding Directories from processing

10 Dec 2012, 22:47

Great tip. Thanks for this.

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