ErroLog not created

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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ErroLog not created

27 Aug 2012, 10:22

Hi, I ran into a weird problem this morning - I was trying to troubleshoot another problem (that'll be another post shortly!), and I decided to look for some kind of log files for isapi_rewrite. I found the troubleshooting page that says to set RewriteLogLevel to 9 and LogLevel to Debug. I did this (in httpd.conf), and then I found the log files (error.log and rewrite.log) in my application directory, and found lots of data therein.

I figured, well, this is a very active site, so the log is going to grow very bog and fast; so I added the log files to a routine I have scheduled for cleaning up (deleting) other log files on a daily basis. To make sure I got it right, I ran the routine, and sure enough, deleted the log files.

Now, I can't get them back. I tried manually creating them as new files, but they remained at 0 bytes, no data, no matter what happened. I deleted those 0 byte files, and have been playing around with making config changes to .htaccess and to httpd.conf, including trying to set a different path for logging using the ErrorLog and RewriteLog options. But nothing - I can't get those log files to reappear. Isapi_rewrite is rewriting urls, so it is running, just it is not logging anything. And as I said, it did write those files just before I deleted them, so it's not like there is a permission issue.

Any ideas? This seems like such a stupid simple thing, yet I can't figure it out.

Fwiw, I am running isapi_rewrite on a Windows 2008 64bit server (IIS7.5), licensed version. y httpd.conf now looks like this:

Code: Select all
# Registration info
RegistrationName= [my reg name]
RegistrationCode= [my reg code]
RewriteLogLevel 9
LogLevel debug
ErrorLog "C:\Program Files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3\error.log"
RewriteLog "C:\Program Files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3\rewrite.log"


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Re: ErroLog not created

27 Aug 2012, 17:47


That could be a permission issue. While now it's not ISAPI_Rewrite that created those files and it could be a problem. Try to loosen up permissions a little for this directory with log files.
Also, try to comment out the following lines:

Code: Select all
ErrorLog "C:\Program Files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3\error.log"
RewriteLog "C:\Program Files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3\rewrite.log"

'cause by default logs are supposed to be located in ISAPI_Rewrite installation folder, so this is not needed.


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Re: ErroLog not created

27 Aug 2012, 21:29

Yes, thanks, I already had deleted the ones I created in the hopes that i_r would create new ones - no luck. I will try removing those lines - I had tried repeatedly with them in and out - ideally I would like to write to a different directory, but right now of course I'd jsut be happy to have them written at all.


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Re: ErroLog not created

30 Aug 2012, 10:53

Weird, I had tried the manual create of those files, and even given full permission to everyone(!) on the whole isapi_rewite3 folder, in hopes of them being written to (or recreated, after I deleted). It just wasn't working - but today it is, thanks to Helicon support staff; only needed permissions for the account running the web site. Don't know what is different now, but thanks Anton!

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