Automatically redirect users to FQDN

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Automatically redirect users to FQDN

26 Dec 2012, 14:28


When users go to my corporate intranet, they currently go to it via intranet. I would like for any user who goes to the site via intranet to automatically be redirected to So if a user goes to the site via http://intranet/handbook.aspx, it should automatically redirect them to and so on.

I haven't really tried anything yet as regex and putting together these commands aren't one of my strong suits.


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Re: Automatically redirect users to FQDN

27 Dec 2012, 00:26

I'm still currently on the same phase and still working on it.

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Re: Automatically redirect users to FQDN

27 Dec 2012, 12:43


I tried this, but unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be catching the rule.

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^intranet$
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [NC,R=301]

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Re: Automatically redirect users to FQDN

28 Dec 2012, 05:55


If your host is "intranet", than the rule looks ok.
Please, provide the rewrite.log for a testing request. Logging issues described in FAQ
this will shed some light


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