Am I using Lite

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Am I using Lite

01 Jul 2012, 07:17

I installed mod rewrite on my server a few years ago. I now want to add some rewrite rules for a separate site on the server. I used the <VirtualHost> instruction to limit the rules to the site's domain, but it had no effect. I thought I'd purchased the licensed version, but I'm wondering if it's the lite version. How can I tell?

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Re: Am I using Lite

02 Jul 2012, 06:31


You need to go to ISAPI_Rewrite Manager and click Help it will tell you if it's REGISTERED of lite. <Virtual Host> indeed is not supported by LITE version.


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Re: Am I using Lite

18 Nov 2012, 23:19

I thought it is possible for virtual host to be supported in Lite. Thanks for the information.

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Re: Am I using Lite

19 Nov 2012, 00:30

No, VirtualHost is not supported. Here is the limitations LITE version has


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