500 error with ZooException on django app running on Azure

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500 error with ZooException on django app running on Azure

18 Jul 2012, 07:39

Hi all,

A simple django app I've deployed to Azure using the heliconzoo-django-role template (https://github.com/michiya/heliconzoo-django-role) returns this 500 error in the browser:

Internal server error
Helicon Zoo module has caught up an error. Please see the details below.

Windows error
Internal module error
message: Expected symbol ':' in HTTP header.
type: ZooException
file: IIS7Helper.cpp line: 611

Which doesn't really give me much to go on - any ideas?



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Re: 500 error with ZooException on django app running on Azu

19 Jul 2012, 10:13

We have no chance to test this solution with Azure yet, sorry.
As we finish our current work with WebsitePanel integration we will start integrating Helicon Zoo with Azure. At the moment it is hard to tell for sure what kind of problem is it, as Azure environment may differ from classical IIS environment.
Please stay in touch. Thank you for your feedback!

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